Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Lainey Tricks
Sorry this video is kind of blurry at times, but it was too cute not to post!
We finally got Lainey doing most of her "tricks"!
Playing Checkers with Lainey
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Our Little Book Reader
As you all have seen, Lainey Loves Books! When I set her down to play in the morning, she doesn't go for the toy bucket, but instead straight for the piles of books! Each day we probably read 15-20 books (some more than once)...
I really hope she continues to love books as she gets older!
Here are more videos of our little reader!
Friday, April 30, 2010
5K for Autism Awareness
Jason turns 30!

Jason opening his presents...I swear he never wears shirts!

Friday, March 19, 2010
First Picnic

A stick?

8 Months is Tough!
Lainey got her first tooth this month. The poor little one was so miserable! We had many sleepless nights until the tooth finally popped through. I friend suggested that you give her a pickle to suck on, and who would have guessed, SHE LOVED IT! It didn't totally get rid of the screaming and unhappiness, but at least now we know she likes pickles! (Sorry about the noise in the background, Jason is watching a KU game, of course!)