
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Ohh Baby Clothes

I have slowly been buying some baby clothes and I bought this adorable hat...and we had to try it on one of our pets, so Pete was the lucky one!

My Belly the Start of the 5th Month

Ohh yes, the gut is doesn't look that much bigger in the picture...but it is definitely there. I can only sort of conceal the belly now, and I have begun purchasing maternity clothes and wearing them on a pretty frequent basis. (They are much more comfy then squeezing into tighter clothes!)
Ohh and just so you know, the baby is the size of my open hand 5-6 inches.

Monday, January 19, 2009

No Snow :( Warm Weather :( Where is Winter?

For those of you in Minnesota who are sick of snow and cold weather, I have the perfect place for you to visit! Woodland Park, it was 50 degrees, slightly windy, and almost all of the snow has melted away. You may be excited to hear this, I am only excited if you are coming to visit! I on the other hand would like some very cold days and large amounts of snow! Please start sending it back my way...I would be very appreciative!

Our Napping Pets

I usually take the puppies for a walk in the woods, and they almost always come back wiped you could have sworn I took Olive to...hence the cuddling! How cute!

The Latest Addition to Our Family

So, our family grows in size once again...NO WE DIDN'T GET ANOTHER DOG (THANK GOODNESS!)! We now have fish. Jason came home from work one day with a goldfish (I named her Cloe), and we felt sorry for the poor sucker, so she got some friends. Cloe has already crapped out, but we do have Benny (the only goldfish now), the Jets (the light colored fish - 6 in all), and Vinny our big black bug-eyed fish. The cats are really enjoying the new addition to the family! (Some photos of the cats watching the fish will be published soon!

Latest Ultrasound

Here is the latest ultrasound picture. I know it is hard to tell what is going on, but El Dondo was standing on its head and waving its arms around like was pretty cute.