
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

Cute Photos of Lainey

Dancing Queen

The Faces of Lainey

Power Outage Fun

Kansas City for Labor Day Weekend

We decided to head to Kansas City for Labor Day weekend because Jason's dad hasn't been able to see Lainey yet. We had a wonderful time hanging out with family and I got to see my best friend Diane. We didn't really do much, other than hang out with family and eat at my favorite Mexican Restaurant! We did have to endure a power outage the night before we left (the videos above), but it was kind of nice to sit outside under the stars with his family and listen to all of the wildlife...I mean bugs!

Riding in the car to Kansas City for 9 long hours!

Hanging out at Grandpa Dellinger's house

Sleeping hard with Grandma Dellinger

Play time

Napping while doing the thinking man
Napping with Grandpa Dellinger

Story time

So cute!

Look at my beautiful double chin!

Spending time with Great Grandma Nelson

Napping with Great Aunt Nancy

Tummy time with Grandma Dellinger

Hanging out at Grandma Nelson's

A Bunch of Red Necks Shooting the BB Gun in the City!

The Dellinger's

Hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa Dellinger while mom and dad pack the car

Lounging on one of our stops on the car ride home

Smiles for mom on the car ride home

Sunset just as we get into Colorado Springs.

2 Month Check Up

Lainey went to her first doctors appt. Lainey is in the 75th percentile for height, weight and head circumference, and she is one growing girl! She weighed 11lbs 10 oz, and was 23 inches long. When they measured her she didn't take off the diaper, so she is really more like 24.5 inches long, when she is all naked! The doctors also told us that she is doing things a 4 month old does, such as holding her head up, pushing up her upper body and attempting to pull watch out world here come Lainey! We have decided to put Lainey on an alternate shot schedule, because we truly don't believe a baby her age needs 6 different shots at their first appt. She got 1 shot and a dose by mouth. She was a real trooper and only cried for a few seconds.

Lainey Rolls Over

While we were visiting Jason's family we realized Lainey can now roll over. We finally got it on tape. I know it is a long video, but I didn't want to cut it up too much because she makes some cute cooing noises at the beginning. (I swear I will learn to edit videos soon!)