
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Latest Stats

I went to the midwife yesterday and we have new stats on Lainey. At her 18 day check up she weighed 9 lbs 3 oz (she gained 13 oz in 10 days), she is 21 3/4 inches long, and her head is now 14 1/4 inches around. Lainey has also taught herself to push off of the pillow when we do tummy time..and no she didn't do this just once, she rolls to her back ever single time we put her on the pillow on her tummy. She has also been working hard on holding her head up, but hasn't mastered this yet, we know it will be soon though!

Latest Pics of Lainey

Jason is teaching her to be a Kansas Fan!

Our sleeping angel!

Look at that big milk belly!


Lainey's First Hike

As most of you know I love to hike with our dogs. Last night we took Lainey on her first hike. The wildflowers and mushrooms are in full bloom and there are so many of them...too bad Lainey slept through the whole hike. I couldn't believe how tired I was at the end of the hike...I swear I hiked better 9 months pregnant than I did carrying a little one.

Monday, July 13, 2009

My Favorite Pics of Lainey

Lainey and Our Visitors

We have had both of my parents, Grandma and Grandpa Harms, and Jason's family, his sister Lindsey, Grandma Dellinger, Great Aunt Nancy and Great Grandma Nelson all here to visit over the past week. It has been wonderful getting to see both of our families with Lainey! Here are just a couple of pics from some of the visitors. Also a huge thank you to Grandma and Grandpa Harms (my parents) for all of their help while they were here. I was spoiled rotten by just being able to sit around for almost a whole week.

Lainey's Hairstyles

Since our daughter has SO much hair, we are going to start having different hairstyles for her. Let us know which ones are your favorite...and don't worry there will be many more to come!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

1st Pictures of Lainey Jane Dellinger

Lainey 3 days old. Lainey 1 day old.

Lainey one day old.

It's a GIRL! There's our little beef cake.

Moments after Lainey was born...check out Ellie sleeping on the pillow.

The Craziest Birth Story You Have Ever Heard

July 3rd, 2009
7:45 am: Jason leaves for work. Before he leaves he kisses Mary goodbye and Mary tells him that she had a dream about having a baby girl with a full head of dark hair. She also tells him that she thinks they won't have a baby on the 4th like they were hoping.
8:00 am: Mary wakes up and plays Tetris laying around in bed. Yes, I beat all of my scores...I know I totally kick butt at Tetris.
8:15 am: Mary gets up and takes a shower (she has a midwife appt. at 1:00 with Jason). I shower and try to do my exercises but for some reason they are slightly uncomfortable and I give up.
8:30 am: Mary eats some breakfast and is starting to feel slight back pain. After Mary eats breakfast she begins cleaning up the house and is then plans on heading to the grocery store.
10:00 am: Mary is starting to have contractions and texts Jason that this might be it, but don't get excited, and that the contractions are starting to hurt. He encourages Mary to call the midwife. Of course Mary in her stubborness doesn't and just continues to vacuum the house.
10:53 am: Mary calls the midwife and tells her that she thinks she is going into labor, and asks if Jason and Mary could come to an appt. at noon instead of 1. Mary says yeah, because she has just heard that Jason is going to come home.
11:00 am: Jason leaves from work because his client told him he had to leave.
11:06 am: Mary begins to bleed a bit, calls her mom and tells her to leave for Colorado...This is it!!!
11:50 am: Jason arrives at home (awful mountain traffic right before the 4th). When he arrives home he finds Mary running to the bathroom every time she has a contraction. He begins to time the 2 contractions she had downstairs and they were 2 minutes apart.
12:00 pm: Jason calls the midwife and tells them that we aren't coming down because I am uncomfortable.
12:05 pm: Meg (the midwife's assistant) left to get here quickly.
12:05 pm: Mary heads upstairs with Jason to make the bed for the birth (we were planning a home birth and had special instructions on how to make the bed).
12:30 pm or so: Mary's water breaks in the bathroom. Jason calls the midwife and tells her my water has broken and they tell him to get me to the bed and put me on all 4's.
12:50 pm: Out pops the babies head after pushing no more than 8 times. Jason says, "The head is out what do I do?" (Because at this point we were the only 2 here). Mary tells Jason to call Meg, and Meg walks Jason through delivering the rest of the child. So yes, Jason delivered our child, Lainey Jane Dellinger 8 lbs. 11.5 oz., 19.5 inches long.
12:53 pm: Meg and the midwife Laura arrive and take care of Lainey, Mary and Jason.

40 Weeks Pregnant

I know that I have now had the child, but I thought you would like to see how big the belly was. This was 40 weeks pregnant.